QUICK Data Factoryはオルタナティブデータやアプリケーションのマーケットプレイスです。
QUICK Data Factoryを通じたデータやアプリケーション販売の企画・支援、データ分析、
QUICK Data Factory is a marketplace for alternative data and applications in Japan.
Leveraging our accumulated knowledge of financial markets such as equities, bonds, and foreign exchanges,
QUICK produces data in-house and also collaborates with business companies in various fields.
We cover geolocation, hot stocks ranking and earnings forecasts.
The data is particularly popular with quantitative hedge funds and other asset managers for its uniqueness and immediacy.
We also provide real-time news, such as market overviews and outlooks, and corporate actions of Japanese companies in a text format,
which are analyzed using AI-based natural language processing (NLP).
We support data-driven investment decisions for investors seeking to generate alpha.
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