Data Set
Monthly Sales & Business Activity Data
FrequencyThree times a day
Update TimingAround 8:40, 12:10, 17:40 JST
Delivery MethodQUICK APIs

Various corporate performance data in addition to monthly sales

1. Reveal company business performance, without waiting for quarterly results
2. Different perspective from income statement
3. Cover 25 industries

Data Items (Example)
・Net sales
・Same-store sales
・Number of stores
・Number of subscribers etc.

Data Collection & Process Method
QUICK collects these data from companies' IR websites, standardizes into a text format.

Case Study

Reading Future Financial Results for Food Service Industry
Reading Future Earnings Revisions
  • Corporate Earnings

  • Corporate Disclosure

QUICK Analysis Report
Approximately 400 listed companies in Japan
Historical Data
From Jun 2016
Sales Territory
Subscription Plan
Annual subscription,
monthly charge


Results Forecast
The Results Forecast Comment summarizes the result forecasts, commentaries, and other materials disclosed by the companies, and uses the following two comments.
(1) Automatically-generated comments: Comments that are automatically generated by using language analysis technology to read the materials disclosed on TDnet (timely disclosure information service) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange; and
(2) Excerpted comments on company plans: Excerpted comments on company plans from the Main Points Report and the IPO Follow-up Report (*1) published by the QUICK Corporate Valuation Research Center.
*1. A report summarizing the materials/commentaries by the companies and factual reporting from a neutral perspective.
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Qr1 Access Ranking
Access ranking for all listed stocks in Japanese market every 30 minutes

1. Check the market trend directly where market interest is going
2. Qr1 is the top share information terminal for financial advisors in Japan
3. Provide the ranking data daily and 30-min basis

Data Items (Example)
・ Rank
・ Stock code
・ Access ratio

Data Collection & Process Method
QUICK collects usage logs from Qr1 and calculate access ranking of individual stocks with eliminating individual information.
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Transcripts of
earnings meetings
This service provides local language and English transcripts of investor-targeted events such as shareholder meetings, earnings meetings in Japan and APAC. It is an innovative service that provides text, audio, and images on time. Meta information of events and the full meeting transcript also can be utilized for text analysis.
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