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Product catalog list

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Daily Total Net
Assets of MRF
Indices are independently calculated and recorded by QUICK based on the total net assets of the 12 major MRFs (Money Reserve Funds).
It serves as a benchmark to measure the investment capability of individual investors and can also be used to confirm the money movements of investors on a daily basis. The index is updated once a day.
With the data of trading by type of investors, the user can understand the movements of the individual investor, by viewing its relationship with individual investor money and undervalued stock through correlation.
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Qr1 Access Ranking
Access ranking for all listed stocks in Japanese market every 30 minutes

1. Check the market trend directly where market interest is going
2. Qr1 is the top share information terminal for financial advisors in Japan
3. Provide the ranking data daily and 30-min basis

Data Items (Example)
・ Rank
・ Stock code
・ Access ratio

Data Collection & Process Method
QUICK collects usage logs from Qr1 and calculate access ranking of individual stocks with eliminating individual information.
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The Number of
Messages from JPX
This service shows the number of daily messages by issue sent by the Tokyo Stock Exchange Market Information system. This information can be used for the correlation analysis of the number of messages and price fluctuations on the market/issue level.
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Equities Market
Summary on JPX
The statistical information of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (trading volume, trading value, market cap, and number of issues) is aggregated and offered according to the respective markets of stocks, ETF, REIT, and bonds.
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