Data Set
QUICK Consensus
Delivery FrequencyFrequently
DeliveryQUICK APIs

QUICK Consensus has the widest coverage in Japanese equities including mid and small stocks in Japan since 2005. We calculate consensus on daily basis by averaging brokers’ estimates such as sales, net income, EPS, DPS, ROE, EBITDA etc. We offer point in time consensus data.

2,000+ companies in Japan
Historical Data
Annually: From 2005
Quarterly: From 2008
(We can provide both retroactive/non-retroactive revision bases)
Sales Territory
Pricing Models
Monthly subscription


QUICK Consensus DI
QUICK Consensus DI is a proprietary macro indicator that shows the direction of analysts’ earnings forecasts. The changes in analysts' forecasts are processed into a diffusion index (DI) for better understanding.
The DI calculates by subtracting the ratio of “Bearish” from “Bullish” to total stocks. A positive DI means that the number of upward revision stocks exceeds downward revisions. QUICK classifies stocks as “Bullish” in the case of analysts revise their consolidated net income forecasts upward by 3% or more compared three months ago, while as “Bearish” in the case of downward. The stocks are for the forecasts of at least five analysts.
QUICK Consensus DI indicates whether the market-wide expectations for the performance of major companies are upward or downward. QUICK also provides industry sector-specific DI and cumulative DI to help you follow trends.
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Qr1 Access Ranking
Access ranking for all listed stocks in Japanese market every 30 minutes

1. Check the market trend directly where market interest is going
2. Qr1 is the top share information terminal for financial advisors in Japan
3. Provide the ranking data daily and 30-min basis

Data Items (Example)
・ Rank
・ Stock code
・ Access ratio

Data Collection & Process Method
QUICK collects usage logs from Qr1 and calculate access ranking of individual stocks with eliminating individual information.
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Transcripts of
earnings meetings
This service provides local language and English transcripts of investor-targeted events such as shareholder meetings, earnings meetings in Japan and APAC. It is an innovative service that provides text, audio, and images on time. Meta information of events and the full meeting transcript also can be utilized for text analysis.
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QUICK FactSet Workstation is designed by integrating Japanese market data by the Nikkei Group into FactSet Workstation. This content Includes real-time news and financial data from Nikkei and unique data sets from FactSet. A wide range of applications enables more efficient workflow for professionals.
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