Data Set
Stay-at-home Rate Data Provided by AIoT Cloud
Delivery FrequencyDaily
DeliveryQUICK APIs
SourceAIoT Cloud, Inc.

AIoT Cloud Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sharp Corporation (Sharp), supports various companies’ marketing activities by utilizing lifestyle data acquired from AIoT* home appliances.

TV utilization data obtained from Sharp TV sets in Japan with users' prior permission is available as “stay-at-home rate” transition data.

The data can be used to forecast sales and business performance in industries susceptible to the stay-at-home rate (e.g., the food service and railroad industries).

* “AIoT” is a vision of combining artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect everything with AI in the cloud, transforming it into an entity closer to people. “AIoT” is a registered trademark of Sharp.

Historical Data
From: April 2017
Sales Territory
Pricing Models
Monthly subscription


TV Metadata
1: TV Program Data /
2: TV-CM (Advertising) Data
TV Metadata is a dataset that 24/7 TV broadcasts (programs and TV-CMs) convert into text and databases.
This data indicates when, where, what, how, and how many seconds were broadcast. You can aggregate broadcast volume and content by brands.
By observing the amount of marketing activity of companies, it is possible to use it as an alternative data as a leading indicator of stock prices and an upward signal, and it can be indexed as a TV index by aggregating the broadcast volume of each brand in TV metadata by time series change. With TV information that affects sentiment, it is possible to discover stocks and make investment decisions from various perspectives, and it is also possible to create new indicators in combination with other data.
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QUICK Consensus DI
QUICK Consensus DI is a proprietary macro indicator that shows the direction of analysts’ earnings forecasts. The changes in analysts' forecasts are processed into a diffusion index (DI) for better understanding.
The DI calculates by subtracting the ratio of “Bearish” from “Bullish” to total stocks. A positive DI means that the number of upward revision stocks exceeds downward revisions. QUICK classifies stocks as “Bullish” in the case of analysts revise their consolidated net income forecasts upward by 3% or more compared three months ago, while as “Bearish” in the case of downward. The stocks are for the forecasts of at least five analysts.
QUICK Consensus DI indicates whether the market-wide expectations for the performance of major companies are upward or downward. QUICK also provides industry sector-specific DI and cumulative DI to help you follow trends.
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