InformationQUICKが「グラスルイス 議決権行使管理」プラットフォームを



Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC


 株式会社QUICK(本社:東京都中央区、社長:吉岡昇)は、日本を代表する大手運用会社である大和証券投資信託委託株式会社に、グラスルイス(Glass Lewis)「ビューポイント(Viewpoint)」サービスの提供を開始しました。








*1 責任投資原則(PRI)への署名およびCDPゴールドデータパートナー認定について



株式会社QUICK ESG研究所






 グラスルイス(Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC、本社San Francisco)は、機関投資家とその投資先企業の間の理解とそのより良い関係構築に寄与するグローバルで中立なガバナンスサービス提供機関です。

 グラスルイスは、世界各国で1,200以上の投資家に、ガバナンス活動全般の価値向上そしてその有効性をサポートするため、高品質で中立的な議決権行使助言レポート、業界をリードする議決権行使ソリューションであるViewpoint、エンゲージメントを推進するプラットフォームであるMeetyl などのサービスを提供しております。グラスルイスは、ガバナンス、ビジネス、法務、政治及び会計に関するリスクを評価し明らかにすることによって、総計25兆ドルの運用資産をもつ投資家が、100か国20,000株主総会で健全で確実な議決権行使を行うことを可能としています。




QUICK ESG研究所について】


 2014年にGPIFの「年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人におけるスチュワードシップ責任及びESG投資のあり方についての調査研究業務」受託の実績を持つほか、専用サイトを通してESG研究所アナリストによる世界のESG課題の調査や取材レポート、責任投資に関する幅広い情報を配信しています。また、年金基金や企業、機関投資家を対象にした「RI Asia」や「PRIシンポジウム」など、多数のカンファレンスで講演しています。

 2016年7月には、CDP Water のスコアリングパートナーに認定されました。この活動の経験を活かし、企業が抱える水リスクの可視化や、対策強化を支援します。CDPゴールドパートナーとして、気候変動、水、森林の評価や開示レポートを機関投資家向けに提供しています。


以 上





QUICK Begins Providing Glass Lewis’ Proxy Vote
Management Platform to Daiwa Asset Management

January 13 2017
Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC



QUICK has started delivering Glass Lewis’ proxy voting platform, Viewpoint, to Daiwa Asset Management, a leading institutional investor in Japan.


Viewpoint is Glass Lewis’ premium, leading-edge solution for institutional investors to manage all of their proxy research, voting, and reporting needs. The software and service is comprehensive, providing efficient, flexible workflow; streamlining business processes between investors and custodians; and covering all equity securities the client holds both in Japan and in global markets. The Viewpoint platform also enables investors to vote proxies by seamlessly integrating their own custom policies as well as leveraging Glass Lewis’ expert research and voting recommendations.


Daiwa Asset Management said “As an investment firm, we exercise all of our proxy voting rights in order to execute our fiduciary duty. For foreign shares, we have decided to newly introduce Glass Lewis’ Viewpoint into our proxy voting procedures. We will exercise proxy voting rights in accordance with a customized policy based on our own guidelines and Glass Lewis’ recommendations, as we value their detailed research, transparent advisory reports, and global operational experience. For domestic shares, we have decided to follow the advice within Glass Lewis’ Proxy Paper research reports in case the appearance of a conflict of interest is concerned. Further influencing our decision to adopt the services was our appreciation that Glass Lewis, which previously had no operational site in Japan, has formed a business partnership with QUICK and developed a support system for Japanese institutional investors.”


QUICK provides ESG data and advisory services for investors to support their responsible investment strategies. In February 2016, QUICK forged a partnership with Glass Lewis to distribute the company’s proxy-related information in Japan. Glass Lewis’ Proxy Paper reports became available via the QUICK platform in May, and now the firms have started providing Viewpoint service.

As a PRI signatory and a CDP partner*1, QUICK continues to enhance the services it serves as an intermediary between industrial corporations and financial institutions such as pension funds, institutional investors, and securities.

*1  About signing on PRI and CDP gold data partner

QUICK Corp. ESG Research Center
Tell: +81-(0)3-6733-9156


【About Glass Lewis】
Glass Lewis is the leading independent provider of global governance services, helping institutional investors understand and connect with the companies they invest in. We are a trusted ally of more than 1,200 investors globally who use our high-quality, unbiased Proxy Paper research, industry-leading Viewpoint proxy vote management solution, and innovative Meetyl direct-engagement platform to help drive value across all their governance activities. Glass Lewis empowers institutional investors that collectively manage more than $25 trillion to make sound voting decisions at more than 20,000 meetings a year in 100 countries by uncovering and assessing governance, business, legal, political and accounting risks. Founded in 2003, Glass Lewis has more than 360 employees worldwide across offices from headquarters in San Francisco to New York, Washington D.C., Sydney, Australia, Limerick, Ireland, and Karlsruhe, Germany. More information available at 


【About QUICK ESG Research Center】
QUICK established an ESG Research Center in 2014 and started the ESG advisory service based on ESG data and rating methodology provided by EIRIS (currently “VigeoEIRIS”) to institutional investors. In February 2015, QUICK launched advisory service for industrial corporations to foster their ESG strategies. Customers for this line of business are pension funds, institutional investors, corporate IR, CSR, Public Relations, planning departments and environmental improvement divisions.


In 2014, QUICK was selected to undertake the research mandate for Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), “Research project on how the Government Pension Fund should undertake Stewardship responsibilities and ESG investment”. Through the website, ESG analyst team provides research reports of global ESG issues, interview reports, and variety of information about responsible investment. Besides, QUICK has given lectures in several conferences aimed at pension funds, industrial companies, and institutional investors such as RI Asia and PRI symposium.


In July 2016, QUICK was selected as CDP’s water scoring partner. Taking advantages of this experience, QUICK helps customers to visualize the water-related risks and enhance the measurements. As a gold partner of CDP, QUICK provides Climate Change, Water, and Forest disclosure reports to institutional investors.